
1 Department of Medicine, Medical College, Kirkuk University

2 Department of Libratory / Azadi Teaching Hospital.


Background: Anemia is defined as hemoglobin levels of ≤ 11 g/dl , is one of the world's leading causes of disability , and thus one of the most serious global public health problems .More than (50%) of the pregnant women in the world are anemic. Knowledge about the anemia is very important in our community. This knowledge will encourage those who work in primary health care (PHCS) provider for pregnant women to detect the problem earlier and treat the problem properly.
Aims: Is to determine the effective factors related to anemia in pregnant women in Kirkuk governorate. Patient & Method: A total of 250 pregnant women were asked while attending antenatal unit in Azadi Teaching Hospital and several Primary Health Centers in Kirkuk City out patients clinic from 25.10. 2014 to1.3.2015. Data were taken involve: age, residency, educational level, history of last menstrual period, onset of anemia and level of hemoglobin (Hb). These data were organized in special questionnaire prepared for this purpose.
Results: From the total (250) pregnant women (61.6%) of them have low Hemoglobin (Hb) level mild, moderate or severe anemia the majority of them (75.33%) with mild anemia. according to severity the rate was (3.2%).
Conclusions and Recommendations: The prevalence of anemia among women in Kirkuk city during pregnancy is high (61.6%) in compare to (52%) in the world wide in developing countries.
