
1 Depatment of Obsterics & Gynecology, Azadi Teaching Hospital, Kirkuk Health Directorate

2 Department of Anatomy, Medical College, Kirkuk University

3 Department of Surgery, Medical College, Tikrit University


Background: An increase in progesterone and estrogenlevels or increase of the blood volume during pregnancy causes various ENT manifestations. These pathologies usually disappear after birth and cause no harm to the patient but some time might be risky to the life of mother. Aims: To assess the prevalence of major ear nose and throat manifestations. Patient and Methods: 112 pregnant women presented to private otolaryngology clinic referred from obstetrician after complete examination managed accordingly. Results: Of 112 pregnant women presented with ear nose and throat symptoms majority were at the age group 20-35 years age (85.7%) and most cases presented at second trimester (53.6%) and (83.1%) were multigravida. Nasal symptoms (44%) were the most common problems discovered on examination. And the least symptoms were throat symptoms (21.4%). Conclusions: Most conditions presented during pregnancy are selflimiting.
