
Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, University of Kirkuk


Objectives: to evaluate the role of stenting in a children undergoing fistula repair, as a stent free fistula repair has been successful without prolonged discomfort. Patients and methods: The study included all Hypospadias repaired patients with fistula formation; both primary surgery and fistula repair surgery done by one surgeon, between July 2005 and September 2011, patients were prospetively randomized at the end of surgery to either leaving a stent (folyes catheter) for one week or no stent at all. The study included 74 patients (40 stented and 34 not stented). Median age of patients was 6 years, range (4-7) years. For the stented group, the stent placed in the bladder for continuous bladder drainage. Results: The median range follow up was 8 months (6-12) months. Voiding was painful in the first week, in 5(12.5%) and 13(38%) of the stented and unstented patients respectively, none of the stented patients developed urinary retention, compared with 7(20.5%) patients in the unstented group. Although the re-operation rate was 0% for the stented group, while it was 20.5% for unstented group, the difference was statistically not significant (p> 0.05). Conclusions: The use of stent in Hypospadias urethrocutaneous fistula repair is advantageous, it eliminates the risk of urinary retention and extravasations, reducing the overall patient discomfort adding to that, lower re-operation rate.
