
1 Department of microbiology, College of Medicine, Kirkuk University

2 Directory of Health, Kirkuk


Objective: The study was planned to show the prevalence of sexually transmitted disease (STD) among women and neonates attending some private clinics in Kirkuk City. Patients and methods: A cross sectional study was performed on 425 women and neonates attended private clinics in Kirkuk city. The period of study was from 1 st of January 2004 to 31 st of December 2004. Results: It was found that the highest rate of symptoms was vaginal discharges followed by lower abdominal pain, genital ulcers, ophthalmia neonatorum and inguinal bubo respectively. Patients with more than one symptom were also detected. Among patients with discharge, Candida albicans (53.42%) and Trichomonas vaginalis (80.82%) were observed. In addition to symptoms, several genital problems were seen, such as Molluscum contagiosum, warts, Herpes simplex and Tenia cruris. The VDRL positive cases were detected among patients enrolled the study. Conclusion: The prevalence of STD symptoms is common among patients attending the private clinics. The highest rate of symptoms was vaginal discharge followed by lower abdominal pain and genital ulcers. More than one symptoms was detected among patients in the studied groups. Several genital problems were found in association with STD symptoms.
