Document Type : Original research


Kirkuk general hospital


Background : status epilepticus (SE) is a serious complications of cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT). the risk factors associated with SE occurrence and the out come is a debate issue .
Aim of study : To estimate predictives of development of SE in CVT patient, and compare the relative risk of SE in determining death and disability compared with those patients without SE.
Methods : this is a Comparative case sires study of 29 CVT patient were admitted to Al-Yarmook teaching hospital from January , 2019 to march , 2021. Patients were followed up and re-assed at 3 months and 6 months after discharge and outcomes were classified on the basis of modified rankin scale .
Results : of 29 patient with CVT admitted to Al-yarmook teaching hospital 11 Patients (37.9%) had SE . presence of decrease conscious level (GCS ≤8) (p=0.0001) , motor weakness (p= 0.003 ) and supra tentorial brain lesion on MRI (p= 0.0001) specially Hemorrhagic type (p=0.003) all were risk factors to development of status epilepticus and disability were higher in status epilepticus group 3 months after discharge (p=0.006) but after 6 months both status epilepticus and without SE group all had good recovery (p=0.345) .
Conclusion: predictives of SE development were decreased level of consciousness , motor weakness and supratentorial lesion on brain mri specially hemorrhagic type . The presence of SE were associated with higher rate of disability 3 months after discharge but after 6 months all patients achieved good recovery


Main Subjects