Document Type : Original research


1 Iraqi board for medical specialization / Azadi Teaching Hospital/ Kirkuk

2 Iraqi board for medical specialization/ Azadi Teaching Hospital/ Kirkuk


Background:Ectopic pregnancy is a common life threatening complication of early pregnancy refers to a gestation in which the fertilized ovum implants on any tissue other than the endometrium.Vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF)is an angiogenic factor,and plays a key role in the establishment of a viable pregnancy.
Aim of study:To determine serum level of vascular endothelial growth factor and evaluate their capacity to serve as a marker for diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy.
Methods:A case-control study that was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Azadi Teaching Hospital/Kirkuk-Iraq,from the 1st of February until30th of October 2021.The statistical analysis included 90women with early pregnancy at6 weeks of gestation who attended obstetrical emergency unit and outpatient clinic.They were divided into three groups included 30cases in each group.Group one diagnosed as ectopic pregnancy,group two diagnosed as arrested intrauterine pregnancy and group three as normal intrauterine pregnancy.They are diagnosed based on combination of their last menstrual period, transvaginal ultrasound,serum beta human chorionic gonadotropin results.After verbal consent Serum vascular endothelial growth factor was measured by a kit uses enzyme linked immune sorbent assay for all study participants.
Result:There was significant higher mean of vascular endothelial growth among ectopic pregnancy in comparison to arrested intrauterine pregnancy and normal intrauterine pregnancy.When cut-off concentrations ≥200 pg/ml for VEGF were used and correlated it BhCG showed that it could distinguish intrauterine pregnancy from Ectopic pregnancy with98%sensitivity and96.3%specificity.
Conclusion:VEGF is a potential marker for Ectopic pregnancy,its concentrations in ectopic pregnancy are higher than in those with normal and arrested IUP.


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