Document Type : Original research


1 MBChB, FIBMS Internal Medicine, Azadi Teaching Hospital, Kirkuk, Iraq.

2 Consultant chest physician MD. FACCP, FRCPE. Department of Internal Medicine/Baghdad Teaching Hospital/collage of Medicine/University of Baghdad.


Background: Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases globally and has been increasing in prevalence over the last few decades. The aim of this study is to assess the serum Magnesium levels in bronchial asthma patients in relation to severity stage.


Methods: A case control study conducted at Baghdad Teaching Hospital at Baghdad Medical City complex of fifty patients were diagnosed as bronchial asthma according to GINA guideline and fifty healthy individuals as a control group.


Result: Serum Magnesium levels were lower in asthmatic patients (36%), compared with healthy controls (4%), and significantly lower in asthmatic patients during exacerbation compared with stable asthmatics.


Conclusions: Serum Magnesium levels have a positive correlation with the level of symptom control in asthma. In uncontrolled asthma, serum Magnesium is significantly low. Hence, it might be useful as a biomarker in assessing control or severity of asthma.


Main Subjects