Instructions to Authors

The Kirkuk Journal of Medical Sciences is a biannual journal published by the College of Medicine-University of Kirkuk. The journal welcomes contributions from readers in Iraq and outside Iraq. The contributions will be reviewed by the editorial board and evaluated by selected reviewers in appropriate specialties.

The journal welcomes research papers with scientific merit and originality including basic medical science and clinical research as well as, case reports, Review articles are also accepted. Submitted material is received for evaluation and editing on the understanding that it has neither been published previously nor will it, if accepted, be submitted for publication elsewhere.

The manuscript should be submitted online.

All submissions must conform to the Uniform Requirements:

  • The manuscript should be typed on size A4 white paper with at least 2.5cm margins on each side of the paper.
  • The manuscripts components should be arranged in this sequence: title page; abstract and keywords; text; acknowledgments; references; tables, figures, complete with title and footnotes; legends for illustrations.
  • Use double spacing between the lines and the numbering of the pages should be at the mid-bottom of the page with the title page as page number one.
  • Type the manuscript in English language font (Times New Roman) with 12 font size.

Style of the manuscript:

1. The title: is recommended to be very concise and informative, typed on a separate page.

2. Author(s), name(s), institution(s), and address (es) should be typed on the title page.

3. Abstract: not more than 250 words in English. It should include:

Background, Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.

4. Keywords: are used for indexing purposes, each article should provide 3-5 keywords at the end of the abstract, and important terms can be selected from the MeSH (Medical Subject Heading) of index Medicus.

5. Text: this should include the following sections in the order listed:

A- Introduction: Stating the purpose and rationale of the study with the main pertinent

literature. Numbers should be used for quotations to references.

B- Material and Methods: Include materials, subjects or patients, procedures,

chemicals, equipment, and statistical analysis.

C- Results: Setting out in logical sequence, tables and illustrations, and principle findings.

  • Tables: Tables are typed on a separate sheet with double spacing and put it within the text and not at the end of the manuscript. do not submit tables as photographs. Tables should be numbered consecutively and supply a brief little for each. Place explanatory matter in footnotes. And explain in the footnotes all nonstandard abbreviations that are used in each table.
  • Figures: Figures should be of high quality and in the form and condition suitable for reproduction. The title of the figure should be typed double-spaced below the figure, and they should be done using Microsoft Excel. put the figures within the text and not at the end of the manuscript.

D- Discussion: new aspects, interpretations, implications, and their relations to other

relevant studies.

  • Acknowledgment: If any. Only to persons who have made a substantive contribution to the study.
  • References: Acceptable references are better to be recent, and should be numbered consecutively both in the text as superscript and in the list of references, in the order in which they appear in the text. The punctuation of the Vancouver style with doi should be followed strictly in compiling the list of references List all authors when six or less, when seven or more, list only the first three, and add et al.
  • For journal articles list in the following order: - Authors, the title of the paper, journal, year, volume, and page numbers (start and end).
  • For books: - Authors, the book title: edition, place, publisher, year, and page.
  • For the chapter in a book: -Authors, the title of the chapter, name of the editors, the title of book, place, publisher, year, and page.
  • The editing board reserves the right not to accept the paper for publication if it fails to meet the journal requirements or if its scientific standard is low.

KMJS Cover Letter Template

KJMS Author- Title page - Template 

KJMS Author - Main Manuscript - Template